Maude St. Nubbins

Be careful what you wish for, especially if you don’t work in the tech industry. You’ll be priced out of the city you love in a few years and won’t see any infrastructure improvements, as we in Seattle found out. Good luck.

Would turning him to the light be ballsy? To me, that was the most predictable outcome, and I’m ecstatic they didn’t go in that direction.

They didn’t slam it into the Death Star at lightspeed, however, which is the point of contention.

pssstttt...Star Wars ships can travel faster than lightspeed. :)

Do you think he’d be doing this if he had a choice? This reeks of Disney PR damage control, but it ends up being an example of “the joke isn’t funny if you have to explain it.”

You mean the fact that Dave Filoni specifically stated that Ezra is not Snoke? Yeah, that fan theory is DOA.

Spoilers are anything that “spoils” details of the story before you get a chance to experience it yourself. We can quibble over what is and isn’t a consequential plot point, but that’s neither here nor there.

If we’re all reacting to Yoda’s line in RotJ, “When gone I am. The last of the Jedi will you be,” there is some wiggle room. Clearly Yoda knows about Leia, so he’s not talking about all Force users, but ones trained as Jedi. With that in mind:

That’s a convenient bit of data to cherry pick, but the reason it failed in China is more nuanced than simply using it as a proof point for your opinion.

Trump, is that you?

Gosh I hope there’s a revolution soon and people like you who use “snowflake” as a pejorative are the first against the wall.

If you want to migrate to the tablet version, there’s a way to move your PC save back and forth via Dropbox. I can’t imagine that the Switch version features the same option, but it does appear that the save data is compatible. However, I understand what you’re saying, and agree.

Perhaps he’s a fan of Jim Thirlwell’s old band. :)

As long as you recognize that Lucas did exactly the same thing when building the original trilogy, I’ll accept that critique. If for some reason you think Lucas had things planned out despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary, you’re delusional.

I’m not defending the movie, I’m saying that your interpretation of a fictional, mystical force has no relevance. Are you serious with the “I don’t think the Force produces counter-force” nonsense? It does whatever it feels like. To paraphrase Luke, the Force doesn’t belong to the Jedi and we’ve only see a tiny slice

You can think all you want. It’s a fictional construct. It does what the writers say it does.

“The awakening, have you felt it.” Is the explanation. Looking at the canon as a whole, it’s clear that the Force oscillates in strength. Anakin was born during a particularly strong peak. Kylo and Rey are growing up in another such time.

Came here hoping someone would post that minigame from Kinect Star Wars. Thank you.

Make up your mind fanboys. Do you hate how much TFA retread familiar territory, or do you hate it when someone shows you something new and unexpected. Or perhaps, just perhaps, NOTHING will ever live up to your head canon and you should find a new hobby.