Hey Alexander Stream - empathy, get some. You may not understand what all the fuss is about, I get it. However, try to imagine, just for once, what it might be like for others to see a death threat aimed at their ethnicity, even in jest.
Hey Alexander Stream - empathy, get some. You may not understand what all the fuss is about, I get it. However, try to imagine, just for once, what it might be like for others to see a death threat aimed at their ethnicity, even in jest.
Just why the fuck did you need to start bringing partisanship into the discussion? You realize that the Republican party at the time of Lincoln bore much more resemblance to the Democrats modern platform than modern Republicans? Also, fuck you, we love this country and don’t want to see it turn into a white…
Haters of frilly toothpicks and alfalfa lovers not invited.
Well, it’s the off season for the carnies. Maybe in the summer. :)
Typical ignorant right wing defense: false equivalencies to deflect the issue at hand. FFS, give the “but your side does bad things too” bullshit a rest. No one is innocent, all politicians are liars, that doesn’t give El Cheeto a free pass. We should strive to be BETTER than the lowest common denominator, not use it…
Yup, a few folks have been coming to similar conclusions - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-protest-sign-to-end-all-signs_us_588f5826e4b0b065cbbd128c
Forget it Jake, it’s Numberwang.
“Games as a service” has been buzzed about for years. Cloud technology and ubiquitous high speed internet still have some catching up.
Best monetization model for consumers, not for developers. Cosmetic microtransactions only work if players give a shit about them, which generally means the game has to have a strong, loyal following (ie, League of Legends, etc). Battlefront lacks that.
Mein Kampf? Atlas Shrugged?
It’s actually just a cross-promotional tie-in for Corman’s new Death Race sequel. :)
You voted for Trump based on lies and vague campaign promises with no plan to carry them out because the idiot and his cronies don’t understand how the presidency works. Therefore, your argument about needing evidence before believing something is completely invalidated.
I can’t remember which comedian said it but to paraphrase - Evangelicals just want to make sure no one is aborting the Christ child. When they pop out without the requisite aureola, they couldn’t care less what happens to them.
Except that they handed development to the team that built the multiplayer in ME3. Don’t hold your breath.
Time to check your gamer entitlement. You have zero clue about how the games are made and supported. They’ve been supporting this game for years, a game with no other revenue stream beyond the initial purchase and a player base that is for all intents and purposes dwindling. $10-20k per man month to staff the team,…
It would have to be wingnut wouldn’t it?
Frankly, it’s just another variation of Dragon Age Heroes/ Galaxy of Heroes/ Dungeon Boss/ Mafia III Rivals/ every other hero-”collect ‘em all” freemium game. A feeble nod to JRPG turn-based combat does not qualify this as an RPG.