Matty O'Shea

Are people really getting more behind The Revival because of this? Their entrances, when they are rarely shown on TV, are still accompanied by a next-to-nothing crowd reaction. I know the more internet-savvy and NXT-versed fans are into them, myself included, but let’s not act like there’s some underdog groundswell of

I honestly wouldn’t trust the opinion of anyone who dislikes Conan. He is great, seems like a great person, and his newly-formatted show has been tremendous. 

Nah, it was pretty funny. And T&R are the antithesis of what you would consider Boston Sports Talk Radio. 

This was a much more stripped-down version and the video clips were right next to Sandler, who kept looking over to the pictures and videos of his old friend. I imagine that added to it, too. 

The long haul? The whole season is like 2 hours long. 


Absolutely, she’s grown. But she also still feels love and loyalty to Jaime, which has been something she’s felt for years. It didn’t seem out of character for her to be emotionally devastated after he left her behind just days after accepting her love. 

Also, Jon’s belief that “South of the wall is no place for a Direwolf” was a sentiment echoed by Ned back in Season 1 when the Stark children first found their direwolves. They fled South because winter was traveling from the North, but it doesn’t mean they are fit to live a comfortable life, even in Winterfell. 

Did you miss when she was clearly in love with Renly Baratheon and openly wept when he was murdered back in Season 2? 

Just steal your friend’s cable login and watch it on the CC app or website, that’s what I do!

To be fair, they took the world-beating 07-08 Celtics to a Game 7 in Round 1 of the 2008 playoffs and NOBODY expected that. Horford was a beast that series, if I recall correctly as a nervous Celtics fan. 

Theon saved Sansa’s life and rescued her from hell. He has basically become the brother to her that he always wanted to be. There is nothing sexual at all about what’s going on with the two of them.

OH SHIT. If the Night’s Watch survives as an entity, Jaime as the Lord Commander would make perfect sense. 

My favorite thing about James is how he adjusts his name daily to include letters from the logos of different heavy metal bands. So far I’ve seen Kiss, Slayer, Judas Priest, AC/DC, Megadeth, and others. 

“Your Grace, I have one last question for you: You got any aspirin? I have had a bad fucking headache all day.”

“You’re in luck. Here, keep zee bottle.” 

Good points all around. 

Cat’s weakness was her children. Sansa has no children to cloud her judgment. 

The look on Tyrion’s face after Sansa walked away was truly priceless. The fact that Tyrion hadn’t even considered that Cersei might be lying about the pregnancy or the sending of the Lannister army shows just how desperate for his sister’s forgiveness and love he truly is. Cersei still hates him and wants him to

He’s going to have to put on his best lawyer outfit and try and make the case that Bran would never become an all-seeing oracle had Jaime never pushed him out of the window, which, by and large, is true! 

The bastard son of a Usurper with no actual right to the Throne would sure be an interesting twist, I’ll say that much.