Burning Stickman

Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. A fine author like Adams didn't deserve to have his work turned into anaemic squitter. And Mos Def as Ford Prefect? Ford was GINGER, for fuck's sake.

Yes please to the iOS version!

Yeah, Nintendo missed a great hype opportunity by not launching something like this 2-3 weeks prior to launch. It would have been great to have an app to see all combinations and stats and even unlock requirements. They could have built hype even more by starting with only the default characters and then "unlocking" a

The book is even worse than the movie.

Fans get their own works, Shapeways gets their revenue, Hasbro gets their licensing fee.

Gizmodo posted this yesterday, so I figured I'd help avoid the "I hate video post" comments. If any of these sound interesting, watch the video. Note that these are described as "debunked myths," but the items in the list are the truth, not the myth.

Here's a suggestion for those baffled by autocorrect...TURN IT OFF. Use that magical ability called spelling that, one hopes, you learned in school. Maybe, just maybe, spelling words using your own brain-power will also trigger that esoteric wonder called grammar.

You see, this is how this whole thing went down. I do not take credit for this photo but do agree with it's content.

This movie (Dredd) deserved all the success :

Little Timmy was suspended for 52 weeks. The difference between 5 and 2 is 3.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Just amazing how so few series end with such a perfect final shot: No grand battle, no sentimental good-byes or major deaths or such. Just the crew playing poker with Picard finally joining them, this unique bond of friendship showcased full-scale and the camradarie that made the show work so well. No bang, no

Full gif:

I don't care if this sounds extreme. Children who aren't vaccinated shouldn't be allowed in public schools. Don't want to vaccinate your kid? Fine. Homeschool them. Keep them out of soccer and dance classes. The rest of the population should not suffer and potentially die for your stupidity.

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10. ploughshare tortise