Burning Stickman

I don’t think avoiding personal interactions is the point. The author uses Instagram to initiate those 1-1 conversations, which can be difficult to start with the best of relationships when you’re talking about teenagers and their parents. I agree that no child, teen, or young adult should be encouraged to communicate

That’s a perfect record right there. 

Take your star for that visual alone. 

If the October update acts anything like the last one, I would definitely recommend that back up. I lost my entire hard drive last time around, when an error interfered with the install.

So glad I went with a dad name several years before becoming a dad. Fits like an old slipper now.

Club Penguin memes were a guilty pleasure of mine not so long ago.

And the Brantford team plays a few minutes away from my place - I also played ball there as a kid.

I feel this way about Stilton blue cheese.

The writer clearly lists both Disney World and Disneyland in the article as not serving alcohol.

Can confirm, I was a drunk tourist there when Hurricane Matthew was bearing down.

I’ve bailed on a few games rather quickly:

Haha...yup, I lasted about an hour in Killzone, then jut lost interest.

Who the hell are those people?

Gamers don’t deserve video games.

I love the Futurama shout out. I’ve fallen asleep to that show a thousand times. Family Guy and Bob’s Burgers work as well, but Futurama is the best.

Cargo shorts are fine. Maybe not in a classy place, like in a Vegas restaurant that may or may not request the use of coasters, but in general they’re fine.

I recall renting the SNES version a few times, getting frustrated as I realized there was no save feature. Finally, I sat down one Saturday, and burned the whole day, methodically clearing each objective. It took about 8 hrs. of play, as well as skipping a couple meals, and somehow talking my parents into doing my

What makes you think they have assholes? All the shit comes out their mouths.

Nah. Go into a family restaurant, and prices are 20% higher, not to mention the “optional” tourism tax.

You are a gem. Thank you for helping me avoid another ridiculous video.