Burning Stickman

I’d pay real money for that superpower. There are a few times a year where I think to myself, “I’d love a smoke right now.” Then I picture myself doing that very same thing after having quit for over a year, and spending 3 years afterwards trying to quit again. One time around that block was enough.

I coach my three-year-old’s t-ball team. I support this being an ejectable offense.

1) Get pregnant

My wife and I have talked to a bike shop manager who also suggested a slight modification to the height of her handlebars, as bikes that are set for a male rider may be uncomfortable for female riders due to the difference in leg:torso ratio.

Ok, so obviously, obviously, vaccines do not cause autism. But good for these protesters to attempt to break the stigma surrounding spectral disorders. Many people live rich and fulfilling lives while falling somewhere on the spectrum, and to treat them like they’re a burden, or to assume that they should feel

Don’t give Phil any ideas for his Day With the Cup. People drink from that thing.

You forgot to call us “sheeple.” This post is illegitimate.

He’s so unaware about the solidness of that Kinja right there.

I’m glad that Washington has at least gotten out in front of this whole “encryption” minefield. It would be truly terrifying if the criminals somehow got their hands on encryption.

It’s been a quiet year for me so far, but Mario Maker has been a blast, especially playing with my son, and Doom is much more fantastic than we deserve.

I’m about 6 hours in so far, and it hasn’t been Outlast type scary. A coupke jumps here and there, but for the most part a little creepy at worst. Most of it is just over the top gore and violence. I wouldn't call it a normal shooter nowadays, as it definitely has its own unique style. Tons of fun.

Jerry Jones had to be physically restrained from drafting Johnny Manziel two years ago. I'm just going to leave that here.

Every time I try to jump into an online match, I get booted (the game claims my ping is too high, which is bullshit). I’d love to play it, but unfortunately I’m stuck with the training and freeplay modes, and those are garbage.

You’re kidding yourself if you think Cruz considers you as high up as “second class.”

We used NatureBox last year for a few months, and enjoyed the snacks immensely. It was also nice that they delivered to Canada. Unfortunately, with 2 adults and 2 kids in the house, the snacks disappeared rather quickly, and given the exchange rates and extra shipping costs, the snacks worked out to close to $7.00 CAD

Maybe, but they nailed the title.

I’ve gone to a couple of these and had a blast. A lot of us knew each other anyways, but still met a couple new people. We rented a bus, hit up a food and wine show, followed by restaurants, bar hopping, and a house party. Highly recommend.

I watched the original ID4 dozens of times as a kid/early teen. This one looks just as ridiculous, and just as much fun. Throw your caution to the wind, Barry. This is gonna be great.

I’ve written resignation letters with less than thirteen words.

As a Steelers fan, I approve of this signing.