You’re kidding yourself if you think Cruz considers you as high up as “second class.”
You’re kidding yourself if you think Cruz considers you as high up as “second class.”
We used NatureBox last year for a few months, and enjoyed the snacks immensely. It was also nice that they delivered to Canada. Unfortunately, with 2 adults and 2 kids in the house, the snacks disappeared rather quickly, and given the exchange rates and extra shipping costs, the snacks worked out to close to $7.00 CAD…
Maybe, but they nailed the title.
I’ve gone to a couple of these and had a blast. A lot of us knew each other anyways, but still met a couple new people. We rented a bus, hit up a food and wine show, followed by restaurants, bar hopping, and a house party. Highly recommend.
I watched the original ID4 dozens of times as a kid/early teen. This one looks just as ridiculous, and just as much fun. Throw your caution to the wind, Barry. This is gonna be great.
I’ve written resignation letters with less than thirteen words.
As a Steelers fan, I approve of this signing.
My wife has started similar meditations before going to bed. She’s told me that the last few nights have been more restful for her than in a long time.
I still remember reading game reviews that included the quality of the manual as part of its final score. I recall that the manual for Dark Forces dragged down its score, partly because they opted for a cheaper, B&W manual as opposed to full colour.
Thanks for the transcription. Chris Rock was one reason I was curious about the Oscar’s this year, and the embedded video is region-locked.
He’s easily justified the leap of faith to earn a paycheck. He’s still one of the most dangerous hitters in the game. I also doubt he’s looking for a long contract (considering he’s in his mid-thirties). Bautista has earned a proper payday. Pay the man.
Those tattoos ruin the Joker. Unless there’s an early scene where Joker sits down with eight guys from marketing to reinvigorate his brand. And then after spending three weeks spitballing ideas and eating shitty chinese, he finally goes through six sessions of painful inking, only to realize that “Damaged” reads…
+1 for making it a week. I lasted 22 hours. [RECACTED] Browns fans can be real dicks.
I understand wanting to know more about the person that’s (allegedly) slandering you, but yeah, when you hire dicks...
I wonder if there isn’t a way to subvert the use of helmet sensors anyway. While they would be a fantastic tool to better understand the impact of the collisions that a player is subject to on a regular basis, couldn’t researchers use advanced metrics, similar to what broadcasters are showing on TV right now?
With the new reports that the rubber chips used in that artificial turf cause serious long-term health problems, seems like dirt is the way to go.