Burning Stickman

Kelly Gruber. Possibly the most physically revolting baseball name ever.

Did you ever stop and think that perhaps 2 years under a suspended sentence and community service might fit the bill as a teaching method for learning about consequences of these particular actions? As opposed to forced sodomy and confinement for over twice his expected lifespan?

Food regulations don’t just change country to country (I’m in Canada), but municipality to municipality. Our guidelines differ from yours (we don’t use “servesafe” for example). We are allowed to refreeze as long as safe handling practices are followed. Our chefs should know around here, although I see that it’s not a

You would be amazed at how many cooks and chefs I’ve met that didn’t know this. I’ve seen them throw out hundreds of dollars of food over the years simply because they didn’t understand when bacteria growth in food occurs.

I enjoy your mention of group conversations. I've recently started running our daily stand up meetings, and it really is interesting to observe the dynamics at play.

People talking over each other is precisely why I can’t watch Parenthood.

Anyone else find it peculiar that Costas doesn’t say “she” or “her” once in these quotes? Granted, I haven’t listened to the interview, and the quote may be incomplete, but it seems, I don’t know, weird, that every time he refers to her, he does so by proper name.

That little music box...just that quick, 2 second scene. It hit a note that no other “throwback” to prequels or inspirations has ever hit before. the nuts.

I got the first episode free (on iPad), although I think it was through a promo code.

That’s the one debilitating point of using current show/book characters: absolutely nothing you do can affect the GoT universe in any way, but it’s sooo tantalizingly close. One slightly different choice, and Ramsey Snow eats steel, or at least sports a hand-shaped bruise that would give Jack Gleeson flashbacks.

How about ice cream, specifically of the McFlurry variety?

I hate the Pats as much as anyone can, but seriously, this whole “scandal” is media-driven, manufactured BULLSHIT. The only joy I’ll derive from this is witnessing any fallout between the commish and Kraft, considering Goodell has now fined his franchise $1.5 million in the last ten years, not to mention the personal

That’s...actually not unreasonable. At all.

Now playing

Similar concept. This guy had been dogging me for awhile. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND (that’s some next level click-bait right there)!!!

Jeez, that’s a messed up visual.

Time to make some goddamn Oysters Rockefeller.

Gift cards of almost any sort are great for young parents, especially given the additional financial burden of one parent off of work (for my wife, it was a year). Grocery stores, department stores, and the occasional restaurant or movie theatre gift card for a night out were all fantastic gifts that we received.

Who gives a fuck. Fuck the Masters.