Burning Stickman

....and now it's time to drop the Cleveland Browns off at the Superbowl. Thanks for that.

Exactly my sentiment. The second sentence in this story is unreadable.

I was a huge fan of the show in the first season (having never read the comics). I experienced the frustration that most fans did in the second season, lamenting over the slow pacing. However, after re-watching season 2, armed with the foreknowledge of the finale, I can say that it was much more enjoyable. Yes, Dale

This all looks pretty impressive. It's going to be awhile yet, though, before I part with my 4. I'm sure I'll wear it out before I get a new phone.

Liberty City is pretty creepy with no vehicle or pedestrian traffic.

If you're careful with the angle of the webcam, you can avoid wearing "meeting pants!"

And we're all very proud of you.

Facebook support for the Camera app is available in iOS 6, if I'm not mistaken. Haven't done much with the update yet, just scrolled through my newsfeed for a few minutes, but it did seem snappier.

"...tossing spaceballs."

Very cool. I would, however, have found it useful if the Earth (and other planets in our Solar system, for that matter) were shown and highlighted, if only for a frame of reference.

Makes me think that Randy Moss was a slacker who could barely be bothered to pay attention in the huddle. Makes me think that T.O. was locker room cancer, constantly berating his teammates in a public forum. Makes me think that Ocho's head was too big for his helmet, or that Lozada should have been the one wearing it.


The age of the galaxy in question is 3 billion years. The estimated age of the known Universe is 13.7 billion years.

...and yet, the resources of the planet are not yet "depleted."

I couldn't let Clem suffer, even in my "evil" play through. I wish I was given an option to smack Duck, though.

Too much bulge, dude. Too much bulge.

I was in a situation attending to a friend who had passed out and struck his head on a table at a bar. I looked at, and spoke directly to, the bartender, and yelled, "Call 911!" Her response was to stare at me with a dumbfounded look and ask, "Why?" Needless to say, I had several comments for her that I'd rather not

How is 3 billion years, well over 20% of the age of the universe, "not a lot of time on a cosmic time scale?" That's a huge amount of time, relatively speaking.

"Obviously, this app does intend to replace the need for a professional medical exam."

Try finding an address that a friend sent you 6 months ago via SMS without search. Once you scroll past the 5th loading screen, you'd be glad you have the search function. (I'm speaking of iOS, not Android, but I imagine that the convenience of the feature is similar)