
Honest question: What is the difference between this situation and Curt Schillings firing? I’m as big a Schilling hater as they come, but I am having a hard time understanding how his sharing certified dank memes is any different from what Hill tweeted out. Both on personal accounts.

While she’s entitled to her opinion, it’s safe to say I don’t see eye to eyes with Miss Sanders.

what we really want to know is if he throws the gyroball?

Emphasis on “dark.”

For the love of god, just switch to anal.

“...the kind of person who looks at Kraft, Belichick and Brady and say “Yeah, this is something I want to cheer for”. 

Thing is...Kraft, Belichick, and Brady didn’t always look the way they look today. Kraft once seemed like a semi-reasonable dude who paid for his own stadium. Belichick was just some guy who had

fuck maine’s first district though.

He has people skills! He’s good at dealing with people! Can’t you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?!

A functioning society?

come on, buddy. I’m a huge yankees fan, but like, don’t be that guy.

When you’re running your club into the ground, you don’t stop so close to the finish; you dig deep and find the energy to finish the job the right way.


Am i still allowed to hate Curt Schilling?

That’s nothing, the Giants hold a AAA outfield meeting every game.

Right, exactly. Who can forget that South Bend was once a part of Ireland, and that we slaughtered the Irish who’d lived there since before recorded history? And that we forced the few survivors to live on reservations while we grew rich off the fat of their land?

it depends. Some of the older people in the community still aren’t super ok with it, but a lot of young people do use it (especially in contexts such as gender fluidity because then instead of explaining exactly what they like/who they are, ‘queer’ is a much more blanket term)

They suggested he get an MRI, he suggested they should fuck off, and then his arm suggested that Thor is not a doctor.

I don’t get this Umpires Lives Matter movement. What about other sports?

I’d give it all up to get my dad back.

You sound like the guy at work who schedules meetings to teach your coworkers the most efficient way to organize their email folders.