15 million dollars for something that’s only used 8 times a year??? Please make the check out to My Dick.
15 million dollars for something that’s only used 8 times a year??? Please make the check out to My Dick.
I read your comment too quickly, and now I can’t stop thinking of grassy poop streaming down my screen in front of me. This is entirely my own fault, obviously.
im pretty sure the list of games on pc and not on ps4 is orders of magnitude higher
Such comment.
Very edgy.
Better than people enjoying themselves wow.
Unoriginal, but boy is it true.
Cersei: You’re going to Dorne; a one-handed man, alone…
20cm? That’d be the square root of 16squared+12squared.
Sounds a little pedantic to point this out - but these are very clearly not “photos”
The interesting thing here was the existence of her “camp.”
I wish I had a camp.
This is an individual who has dedicated his youth and life to keeping you safe. Regardless of how you may perceive the high ups, on an individual level this person would die for you. The least you can say is "Thank you for your service."
fuck that, i do.
You don’t know me! You don’t know how I OS!
Android OS is only OS.
Well the computer they were running on had 4 Nvidia Titans, and they’re about $1,000.00 a pop...
Pretty sure the graphics cards needed to push that will be more expensive than the monitors themselves...
Well, he’s not wrong. Consoles will be able to do this in... uh maybe 25-30 years.
Time for some Mayfield Logic.
"All the cool planets hang out at the center of the galaxy"