
I’d like to see David rock crawl in an Eagle just to see how long he can keep the doors closing.

Username checks out.

Well DAMN get it together, man!

“After that the trail goes cold, and the story just turns into a bit of a blank space, with only a few details here and there, until the cars re-surfaced in the 1990s.”

I’m completely on board except for the center lane rule. If there’s no traffic that’s the safest position if a road hazard or animal pops in front of you because you can dodge to either way. Been doing that since I had a motorcycle only license when I was 15.

I’m impressed that the ad is still up.


If you had been double clutching like you’re supposed to, you wouldn’t be looking at taillights all the time.

Okaloosa and Santa Rosa counties stand apart somewhat. There’s one church there for every SIX residents. And the Monsanto plant in Milton has created a chemical bloom that spans several towns and water supplies. It’s slightly different there.

I used to live in Holt and worked in Crestview. You can still catch an occasional cross- burning. Niceville, between Crestview and Ft Walton, is where the P.O. box for the Klan’s national headquarters is.

Okaloosa County isn’t really Florida, it’s South Alabama.

First pass I thought you were making fun of Asians.

Wow. You’re all getting robbed. I don’t bother with any comprehensive coverage but my insurance is $33/month.

At least he’s decided to take it to the track.

Can we get through one post about this without the corporate shills coming to rescue Princess Uber from the evil humans?

Especially if it’s your car. Laugh before you fall into exponential despair.

After changing out countless blown turbos on diesel truck engines I can absolutely confirm this is possibly the most cost-effective function of the intercooler (CAC as we call it). Haven’t seen one let meaningful pieces through yet. Removing them to shake out the shrapnel is SOP.

*raising a tall, cool glass of antifreeze*

“To anyone who has never had something embarrassing happen to them in their car: Get lost. This post isn’t for you.”

They’ve been back underway for nearly 20 minutes and no update on the post. I’m having palpitations.