OMG stop. A little steam can’t kill that 360. He should have left the cap on, though.......
OMG stop. A little steam can’t kill that 360. He should have left the cap on, though.......
I know. I’m having a hard time letting it go.
It’s not. Now, if the governor shut down the WSH so his SON could drive the TRON car to the show, you could possibly stretch the definition to cover.
For it to qualify as “nepotism,” you can do it when your DADDY is governor.
Only because that’s not nepotism, otherwise you’re correct.
Nothing says “I represent my constituents” like shutting down traffic so you can play Mario Kart in Manhattan.
Fine. No swimsuit.
It’s actually the deceleration inertia and heat from the brakes. Left hand thread goes on the left side.
Oh, I love Danica. In a swimsuit.
They’re both already better than Danica.
They still need to make it BACK.
The Budd wheel system used lefty-tighty nuts. Lots of knock-off designs use them, too.
Sure it is. Dad’s Colombian, Mom’s Irish-Welsh. If you don’t think it’s relevant, ask why I came home from pre-school at 4 years old asking what a ni**er is. Central Florida mid 70's redneck trash asshole kids is why.
Since you brought it up....
I don’t engage the crazy grays, they can stay gray. Similar to my comment, which I believe falls in a racially gray area..... Is it racist? Racists will think so.
I had a couple comments on that myself..... Under the post about their wheels coming off.
I seriously doubt that. I’ve dealt with heavy truck wheel hardware which also uses left hand thread on one side, if the nuts get mixed they just skip off without crossing up. Usually. I can’t say that I’ve power driven an F1 wheel.
The thread form is designed to keep this from happening, it’s actually difficult to do. He’s SO fucking fired.
Considering I still have my pitchfork out because of ESPN’s treatment of all things New England, umm..... No. Someone’s head needs to roll. This wasn’t a single botched commercial break. This was a complete production failure.