
How come you’re on the weekend desk, Patrick? Did you lose a bet or an editor?

What’s wrong with playing the race car(d)?

Yasss.... And if it’s brown it makes it’s own gas

I love how many people made new accounts just so they can bark back at me from the grays.

For example, Gillig buses have foot switches similar to high beam actuators that operate the turn signals. Both on the left side, push down to activate and let go when you’re done.

Actually.... Most washer nozzles have little orbs built into them that can be aimed. Add a little food coloring to get cyclists waiting at stop lights.

Well it’s white, so it will obviously generate far more income than it’s worth.

I actually like that. Just have to keep an eye on the level. Of course, I rebuilt the top end with MLS head gaskets, too.

I love my EJ25.

You don’t think it would be more like.... Rodents in a box?

I have the utmost faith in everything about this trip.

So much for Utah.

I’ve got a full set of Olds wirebaskets with locks, keys and brackets I’ll trade for an (in)appropriate breeding female.

Now you’re just rambling.

You have to admit that weekend Jalopnik has been..... Lacking.

This is the most interesting thing I’ve seen on weekend Jalopnik in a month.

Yeah, okay, good luck with that.

I don’t need to watch it. I’ve got it’s kiss still burning on my lips.

I’ll get my running shoes on.

If you have an old CJ returning to the earth but a clean title and VIN tags, your lucky day has arrived.