
The Khan edition Cordoba? Tan Corinthian leather interior, linen white exterior and a 130hp 318.

That wasn’t so much a mascot as it was a shameless, pandering special edition with overpriced electronics.

Seriously, NOTHING is a blast in this car. I have nightmares to this day about the sound from the gear-reduction starter as the battery winds down to nothing

THAT’S a lie. No black guy ever offered to pay MORE.

There is no 727 in this ginormous pile of shite.

No, they cleared the bridge but the rear shocks went through the sheetmetal mounts, the seats collapsed and the roof buckled.

Everyone I knew who had a Granada wrapped it around a pole, where they belong. One friend actually put the driveshaft through the rear end.

Paint? On THAT engine?

I admire your attitude but I’m fairly certain you couldn’t keep this thing running through two seasons. Read up on ballast resistors.

If that actually comes to pass, I’ll find you and make you drive one.

And if you wring more than 200 horsies from the engine you can count on the windshield popping out at a stoplight race.

I had to make sure someone corrected Rob on that, when I read 727 I let out a little chuckle. That’s pretty much how this line was, the best option available for everything was the historical bottom of the barrel.

The lawyer will cost more than he could ever recoup for the car, and by the time everything gets filed the company will disappear into the ether. This is a massive shit sandwich.

Two words for you, David....

The distance David is planning, the title may come to be “Missing.”

Indeed, polite goes SO far. I’m polite once, stay with me or GFY.

Huh? What? Did someone say coke dealer? WHERE?

Yes. At the speed I was traveling the engine was running a consistent (approximately, it was almost 30 years ago) 3800rpm and steady 5-6psi of boost, keeping it where the engine maintained peak efficiency. And those cars were slippery. I don’t need a page of mathematical analysis, I actually proved it in the real

Thank you. Where I am, “seizure” is synonymous with forfeit. Impound works as you describe.

Okay, Mr genius asshole, that happens to be exactly what I did. I ran Boston to Tampa in 18 hours and only stopped for gas twice. When you start nitpicking, I was slightly closer than those points by about 175 miles altogether. Beyond this explanation I don’t GAF what you think you know.