
And how is your career doing since you left Cambridge Analytics?

WTF?!? You can’t even smoke crack out of that pipe. This hasn’t been a car longer than Tracy has been alive. This is a title IF the VIN tags are salvageable.

Clarify the usage of “seized” for me. Are they taking and KEEPING these or just having them impounded? Because that would be some cop-killing motivation for me.

I believe it, my ‘87 Turbo Coupe got the best mileage at 105. 62mpg. I couldn’t tell you how many times I did that math before I believed it myself.

Used to? I highly doubt he hit the “nothing else to lose” barrier and backed off. He’ll be found dead selling handjobs behind the bus station.

The Uber Tales have broken Kinja.


Yesterday I was still politely requesting, as a human, for you to speak for yourself. Today you can fuck right off. Then, fuck off again and keep fucking off until you come full circle to where you started. Then.... Fuck off.

The story is attracting every AV Club, Jezebel and Uber stock holder with grey accounts to spew anti-knowledge and stock-propping “I’m with Uber!” bullshit. Bored? I never want to hear from these people again.

A canoe made from human skin and a 30 gal barrel of lotion.

No need, I’ll ask when she wakes up.

It might be worth somewhere close to that price if the engine that goes with the scoop was there as well, along with taller gears. And maybe a complete custom stainless exhaust and a bag full of old hundreds.

I love how many grays and previously unseen commenters have come to the party and added their unwavering support for Uber’s system.

I’ll thank you not to put words in my mouth, and to not ever have any direct input on the development of these systems. Your binary train of thought doesn’t lend itself to big picture situations.

No. If any company wants to implement an autonomous system the first PRIORITY should be pedestrian avoidance. Period. Whatever technical elements are necessary up to that point aren’t my problem or especially not the general public’s.

No. If any company wants to implement an autonomous system the first PRIORITY should be pedestrian avoidance. Period. Whatever technical elements are necessary up to that point aren’t my problem or especially not the general public’s.


Don’t bite the hand and whatnot.

Speaking as a human, I’ll kindly request you speak only for yourself.

Am I the only one who thinks this EXACT scenario should be test number fucking one? If the system can’t handle this....