
What you need to do now, ASAP, is get after that Golden Eagle with a steam power washer before the block of frozen salt it’s encased in turns it entirely to dust.

Two WHOLE years? However did a pussy like you survive that long?

I used to date a (female) cop who referred to riders in general as “organ donors.”

So do I.

Then go rent one for the weekend, plug the harpie and disappear, like a professional.

Have some respect for’Busa riders, they keep countless YouTube channels in business.

I keep it under control by randomly fire bombing soft top Jeeps.

While I agree with you on some level, this is the plane of their existence. They paid a premium for the shiny beads, which worked fine until the people they paid broke it. These aren’t vehicles like I grew up in love with, these are more like disposable razors. And..... Yeah, they should work until it’s time to throw

You need connectivity? Anker makes a charger with Bluetooth rebroadcast for $20, I see it in Kinda deals occasionally. Get a decent smartphone and a dashmount.

This is Fiat’s response to comparing Drumpf to Mussolini. They’re offended.

FCA? Do you get any sort of news? I’ll be happy if WE are still here.


As usual, Torch, you have given a variation of an answer to a question I would never have thought to ask. Always a fun read.

I don’t particularly GAF about either the commercial or the Trout guy, there’s literally nothing you can do anywhere without some blowhard crusader shouting at the rain. All the off-road areas near me have had ridiculous locked gates thrown up that only the fire department has keys to, because the fun police have to


Legally, yes, this jomoke is a car thief. Vocationally, he’s a clown.


The hate is irrational, absolutely. I don’t hate any team that managed to beat the Pats and certainly don’t look for reasons to accuse them of anything.

WEEI will soon go the way of all things. Terrestrial radio has no business screwing up this atrociously.