Actually, “we” didn’t win or lose anything, our favorite team lost the most recent of the ten Superbowls they’ve played in, eight with their current quarterback.
Actually, “we” didn’t win or lose anything, our favorite team lost the most recent of the ten Superbowls they’ve played in, eight with their current quarterback.
As popular as Buicks are with the Asian crowd, you may not be correcting as far as you think.
Yeah, the 5-speed Thunder chicken disco chariot, white with red velour interior. Loved that car. In Massachusetts, if you didn’t take the test in a car with a manual transmission they put a restriction on your license for automatic only. Funny thing, though, the test area was residential and I couldn’t shift into…
Your mistake was WD-40. Use something with some nuts, like B’laster or Seafoam. Yeah, it costs more, for a reason.
You know, the steel safety wire may be stronger this minute but after a few days and some moisture...... It could cause more harm than good. It will actually accelerate the rust. If that’s possible, at this point.
Heavy truck radiators have a set, making an “X”. Some on the front AND back.
Until not so many years ago, two speed axles were common in medium duty trucks. Ford was especially fond of using them in the F-600 to F-800 models because it allowed the use of smaller 5 and 6 speed trannies while having the torque range of large twin countershaft transmissions. The shifters were electric with…
Same thing happened to me a couple months ago, and day before yesterday the star counts on the comments disappeared.
Why should we stop calling him out about ANYTHING?
Fuck Mike Pence.
It’s not, and it isn’t misogynistic either. I’ve heard a few reviews accuse that. Every body, male and female, is objectified.
I saw some sci-fi stereotypes and maybe a few derivative details (it totally has a Blade Runner weather system, not that it’s a bad thing) but there was very little predictability. That kills anything for me, the first time I can openly and accurately guess what’s coming next.
Are they Quakers?
Is that the monkey-feces or the monkey-semen technique? I have trouble discerning between them.
I’ll take one in “arrest me” red with a set of electric exhaust dumps. That way it will make your ears, eyes and nose burn.
You can barely swing a dead hooker around here lately without hitting someone who believes she’s sleeping.
I’m wondering what the designated vs actual load range for the front tire might be. Because it’s overloaded sitting empty and still.
It takes two to tango, Donkey Punch.
It’s better than Alka-Seltzer