
Two years ago. It was Sunday afternoon so the only place open was, you guessed it, Auto Zone. One of our heavy tow trucks overheated a fuse block and I needed an inline fuse holder. No big deal, right? I found one in the electrical aisle and headed for the register. There were five people in line and one guy at the

Take it down a notch, you’re the one quoting statistics from a street bike marketed to 19 y/o girls.

Couple thoughts.

Consider the rear brakes are attached to tracks and that sounds much less scary.

Love early incarnations of Bigfoot. My favorite one was in the movie Take This Job and Shove It.

I have a suggestion for Mr Munro.

The way you’ve been screwing with the carb, I bet your third gear problem is a kick-down issue. Disconnect it and manual shift for a test drive, that should offer some clarity.

I’m certainly not adverse to high mileage, my Legend has 265k on it. That being said, I couldn’t be talked into paying this much for it. AWD? Yeah, I trust that still. I guarantee there’s something in there that will rattle fillings out of your teeth after a while at highway speed.

It’s fairly common for heavy trucks to have at least ten forward gears. When they aren’t loaded heavy, I’d start off in, say, fourth and skip straight to sixth.

If you fly through a flock of migrating chicken..... That’s not a plane you’re in, it’s DMT.

For a hundred million I expect an in-house transporter pod. And not just any pod; one that can tell the difference between me and a fly.

Unnecessary. If I had a Lambo I guarantee I would J-turn into every parking spot.

I’ve been reading through replies for a while, and of course I read the article, so far no one has mentioned this.

Gross. And destructive. If it’s actually leather, find a tack shop and get some magical ointment called Hydrophane. You’re welcome.

The Doug Nash I knew growing up was a temperamental fellow who threw hand grenades during third shift.

That’s pretty much what I was thinking. Though I don’t see 98.5 picking up the Sox, it’s the wrong speed for their audience.

September in Hawaii will undoubtedly see a busy maternity ward.

I think I speak for a substantial cross section of your readers when I say....

Boston is a huge radio market. Having a talk slot here is a big deal and requires big personality, sometimes (okay, quite often) mouths get away from their owners.

Can you hear me pronouncing it Renault with a hard “t”? That’s about all the interest I can muster. No love, no hate, just an abundance of indifference and an unwillingness to drop ANY coin on it.