
The headline is fixed but the address carries the legacy.

I’m not only willing but happy to accept facts. But the fact remains that slideouts, leveling systems and awnings are decidedly part of the coach and not the chassis. Every motorhome mechanic and parts man in the world will agree on this.

See, slideouts, leveling system and awnings are absolutely NOT part of the chassis. All of that is on the coach side.

It is. I don’t think the G159 is available that small and I’m too lazy to look. We’re talking about class A’s.

This was obviously planned, some rich prick wanted HIS rings and watch and hired someone to break in during the race. They’ll turn up on Pawn Stars 2050: Mutant Edition.

It’s a special kind of stupid that gets singled out of this bunch. Watch him be a three time loser and get a life sentence. Or get deported, that’s awfully popular lately.

A three inch mortar will not bring down a police helicopter.

I have to disagree with you, because I’ve never heard of them and I’ve been working on motorhomes for 30 years. I’ve seen FCCC, John Deere, Workhorse, Monaco makes some of their own, and a few miscellaneous others. Lippert isn’t one I’m familiar with. Unless I’m so far downstream and only know of other names they

Motorhomes are manufactured in stages, mostly, meaning the chassis and coach are by different companies. For example, FCCC (Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation) builds what amount to empty frames with driver’s controls and driveline. Those get driven (hilariously) to companies like Monaco and Tiffin who build the

Someone did a fahking amazeballs job tuning the suspension. I’ve seen some high dollar pursuits that couldn’t get it together that well.

Needs a GoPro mounted in the fender like Ford did on the new Raptor.

Seeing the shot of the engine bay makes my balls ache. CP for 4 unchangeable spark plugs.

The Onion is

There’s no cure for that.

Here’s hoping this works out better for Mazda than #passthepizza did for Papa John’s.

And roughly twice as expensive to work ON.

That looks like someone threw the JC Whitney catalog at an Altima.

Jason? Jason who?

This is the longest walk to fuckin nowhere I’ve ever seen.

Oh, come on, let’s go slay dragons in the Kaiser. Fire wouldn’t kill it anyway.