
The Kaiser and it’s PTO winch make me feel funny, like when we used to clmb the rope in gym class. Talk about the irresistible force.

It’s usually anti-whateverthefucksoundsbadrightnowtoadvanceourfuckstickagenda

Sentiment aside, I don’t think there have EVER been that many Americans.

I would drive this just to piss off every other Corvette owner that sees it.

The correct way to read a Torch article is eyebrows slightly raised squinting just a bit. And between the lines.

I just threw up a little... In my mouth.

Not this one, though.

I’m going to disagree with all of those points.

So, he..... Lost his train of thought?

But I can buy a totalled STi, a Forester with a blown head gasket, put them together for less than ten. Won’t have to worry about anyone else’s screw ups, floggings or taste.

Depending on just how much he’s squeezing out of the mill now, that “lighter” 5 speed will show you that it’s not an STi box.

I agree, and want to add that for a few hundred bucks you can get a custom dual exhaust installed that would make it bark like a Mustang.

There’s still about 150 people who don’t agree. They’re obviously fucking bonkers, probably one of them is PeteMullersKeyboard, people who absolutely HAVE to spend two G’s on just the A/V options.

I think someone was working on a CAD and when they clicked “render” the hourglass pointer appeared in a certain spot and BOOM an atrocity was born.

He could easily jack the price 50% and still get a NP. I dearly miss high quality cars with fewer geegaws to break.

My 77 y/o mom does, and simultaneously hates that they’re both liberals.

I usually have little more than contempt for your articles, but I’m with you on this one. I find precious few reasons for a stock vehicle to ever be worth more than sticker price. $770k? For a fucking Camaro?

Danica did well in Indy cars because her diminutive size made the most difference there. Otherwise, she’s an amazingly average race driver.

HEY! Without her, who would occupy 28th place?