
It’s not impossible. I knew a guy several years ago who rolled his Mustang street racing, wound up sodomized by the shifter.

I’ll take the bus (gut it and convert it properly, of course) and tow the Mighty Max behind it. Drive the countryside until I die.

It’s Tow Mater’s retarded cousin, Tow Jam.

But...... Is it an “awesome” conversion? Probably not.

Seriously? You’re talking about a guy who enjoyed photoshopping hams into engine bays. All work on this article is beyond reproach.

Finally someone who understands how to stage a car to sell..... And they pin that unfortunate number on it.

Pittsburgh jack stands? Yeah, I’m gonna buy a stretched Tesla from guys who shop for equipment at Harbor Freight.

Also had no clue about flexplate bolts. Something stinks.

I agree and applaud your recommendation to temper the use of premium fuel, just do what I did.... Run a tank of both and see what your mileage does. My legend loses 30% economy if I run regular. Premium is worth it.

It reminds me of a broken nose. Hard pass.

I’m fully behind jail time for the car scam, when will they be held responsible for killing citizens?

Fuck Tony Stewart in his down under. I’m still mad about the Rusty Wallace incident of ‘05.

No one considering buying this gives a shit about ridicule. Even an S10 will use twice the fuel. To me, THAT’S hilarious.

That’s why you plow WITH THE STORM. You know who waits until it’s done? The guy with the broken plow truck. I’ve owned half a dozen plow trucks, subcontracting commercial lots. You go out with 2 inches and continue until the snow stops. I’d have a blast plowing driveways with this thing and it would pay for itself in

They’re Mercs, they’re limited editions, they’re black. And Clarkson still hated them.

You’ve skipped ahead a few pages. Autocorrect has simply met civilization partway down the cliff.

The grammatical mistakes in the top couple inches of this page made me skip right to the comments. Andrew is usually much better. I am disappoint.

Rapists are getting lighter sentences and Roy Moore isn’t dropping out, but we need this Kraut in a prison. Something is wildly wrong.

I happen to be going through the same dilemma with my DD right now.... When to stop. When to admit that it’s no longer worth it. The answer can be easier than we think, though.... If we’re asking the question, that is the answer. Personally, I think I’ll go with a Viking funeral.

Less than a thousand miles a year? Why? Yeah, it’s some measure of cool, but really? My eyes don’t see a “classic” worthy of this fuss or pricetag. An apparently very well kept CP.