Fuck Virginia. Fuck traffic. Fuck EZPass.
Fuck Virginia. Fuck traffic. Fuck EZPass.
Voting NP? This is less than half an hour from me. I may have to go buy it.
My local SCRAPYARD has higher standards than David.
Mmm... A one-way definition if there ever was one.
Did you read the article being commented on? Replace the Merc with a Tesla.
So it’s not just American asshole BMW drivers who don’t pay their parking tickets. Good to know.
I’m sorry I missed the OP. I’ve been driving a wrecker off and on since 1989, two years of which I spent in Rochester, NY. The snowstorms there are gloriously epic, falling inches an hour for days at a time at well below zero.
If my state of health reaches point this poor bastard had, someone please shoot me.
The damn scrap value on that Woody is near $450. You better pull the trigger, I’m too far away.
Damn, tell us how you really feel.
I can buy a plastic doorstop at Staples for $3.99. Tell me why I want this one instead, which does exactly the same thing?
Park? I’m having trouble thinking of somewhere you could drive without having the arch trim stolen while you’re moving.
Seriously? These guys are 20 min away from me. I’m going today.
I have an irrational craving for a Niva, among other Russian products that I’ll probably never have. That being said, could they have found a level patch of ground to take pictures on? As it is, I’m unwilling to go in for a nibble with that funky lean.
It’s quite simple, really.
But can you imagine the backlash if it was tits or - heaven forbid...... A vagina? He’d be dishonorably discharged and labeled a sex offender, whose only possible job opportunities would be in politics.
The next owner will undoubtedly be the last one, I can ferry myself further into Oblivion for less.
My soul is black but intact, what I lack is a trust fund. And I could do the work myself, but at half that price.