
Adam has a kid looking for a hooptie?

Confucius say, man with tablet on steering wheel wearing sweatpants feel cocky all day.

Dexterity? I knew a guy with one leg gone just below the knee, one arm gone just past the elbow and the other just above. Saw him drive a manual T/A while eating a Whopper with a Big Gulp. 25 years later I still question how the hell he managed.

Alpharetta? I’m surprised he didn’t get shot just for practice.

Well, that’s how I consider your sense of humor.... Now.

Unless it’s made of solid lead (the roll bar itself), I doubt it’s physically possible to roll that door stop.

Is “color of the day” not a thing anymore?

Now I have to go to a gun show and drop a lit brick of firecrackers in a trashcan and bolt. After setting up a webcam.

Or, you know, I could pedal standing up. I’m sorry to hear about your anal fixation.

Trade? What, exactly, is still usable about this? I mean, other than the passenger seat.

The question is..... Does it have a smokey donut left in it? Maybe yes, maybe it leaves pistons in the oil pan. There’s no twerking in hospice care.

Do you have the Suicide Hotline on speed dial?

After eighteen years of commuting in a ‘Vette he probably needs a kidney transplant. And therapy.

That would have either a huge draw or an incredibly niche crowd. Hairy-chested, gold chain wearing Christian fundamentalists?

I’d rather ride a bicycle with no seat than be seen pushin this whip.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

You sure that wasn’t just an echo from the loose nut behind the wheel?

I wonder in which three states THAT is road legal. Hell, two more wheels and he’d have eighteen.

And may I add that the 4.3, while being much better than the 2.8, came with shittier fuel mileage than a full size with a V8. And God himself couldn’t help if you got one with a spider pump in a cold climate.

I’m going to say that 2.8 is in the top 5 all time worst engines ever. It’s why I’ll never own another GM product. And they had the audacity to use it for years, in damn near everything.