
Engineering Explained has a way of taking all the fun out of the equation. I keep trying to like his vids because he picks great subject matter but invariably watch about five minutes before killing it.

Problem is, that labeling started with convex mirrors. Explanation is interesting but invalid.

Nothing to report from the overnight, maybe the deliveries won’t be PDI’d until Monday.

Easy there, grampy, you’re going to have to settle for the V6. Maybe a used Magnum for your casket carrying needs.

It looks like a new Mustang..... With herpes.

The interior looks like Mr. Gasket and JC Whitney had a drunken back alley butt baby.

Jesus, David, that’s an incredibly detailed and extensively researched write up. Could it be someone at Ford is desperate to keep this from becoming their version of the 2.8 Chebby or 2.5 Subie? It’s okay, I would take the corporate handjob, too, if it was ever offered. I actually hope they get this contained, unlike


If nothing else, this is the closest vote I’ve ever seen here. Nail biting like last night in Virginia.

It’s only possible for, like, fifteen minutes. Then it’s set in stone.

My DD is older than him.


I don’t think I’m alone when I say I don’t remember. I was parallel parking my pedal car when I was 2, backing up a 14 foot travel trailer when I was 9. I had my own car to tear apart at 12 (a ‘76 Valiant with a 225). I bleed Type F and can run the lawnmower on my pee.

You put a sub-2500 Miata in front of this group? Talk about a lack of suspense. You’re walking into a prison with a handful of pardons.

Except for option code 801 black and 807 dark grey, you’re completely correct.

Those are eternally trying to kill everyone ELSE.

There it is, the voice of insufferability. Tell you what.... If you carefully maintain a dildo tree, after a short period of time you can easily go fuck yourself.

Have an eyeroll. It’s Kinja. It’s a comment system. Adapt or perish.

That’s your go to explanation for every POS. Climb off your high horse occasionally.

I cringe at the concept (and reality) of a braking system not actually linked to the pedal, never mind the vehicle doing something I didn’t tell it to. My nostalgia is for shit you can fix in your driveway, that has some PERSONALITY! I read an article looking for the car involved in a hit and run and the differences