
Are we sure that was coffee in the cup? Maybe it was vodka. Maybe it was someone’s spit cup.

There is.... The guy who screams “ I told you not to do that!” At the puking person.

Electric truck sales are in the wheelhouse of Ants in my eyes Johnson.

At least W was somewhat likeable, and while generally chided as the village idiot would undoubtedly be the smartest man in the room at a gathering of my friends.

They’re Swedish, and still around.... Though probably not available on those beacons of auto excellence.

Why don’t you update yourself a better childhood with kind toilet training so you can stop shitting on everything?

You’re gonna overnight tires from Japan?

Isn’t Gislaved still in the mix?

I have a set of those out back! They’re,uh..... Slicks.

Before the GOP goes up in smoke they need to pass as many bullshit laws and appoint as many foccocta federal judges as possible. I suspect that by spring there will be cause for a business I’ve never heard of to sue me for nonconsumerism.

And I won’t argue with you. I’ve never even checked the oil in a GW.

Bought new and dealership maintained. Your argument is invalid.

No shit, I would have flat dragged that loaf out and gotten the wheels turning before lining up the trailer. You never go for ramps straight out of dirt ruts.

That’s an interesting theory, but even basic gimmes are suspect after 12 years. The fuel system has to be completely flushed, the valve covers (at LEAST) should be pulled to check for contamination and ground points cleaned to prevent electrical fires.

Who are you talking about again? The guy who didn’t swap out a Go Devil?

Mom had THAT car, in burgundy with a tan top. Biggest POS ever owned, and that’s saying something. Transmission sucked, roof leaked, even the radio was garbage. I remember when I stepped in the floor would make a pop like a safety lid on pickles. It smelled from mildew and would change lanes when you hit the brakes.

Magnum may have been the central character but Higgins was the enigma which made the show possible.

I know I won’t change your mind, but.... Those cars were such unmitigated garbage. I worked at an Eagle dealer in ‘90, there was one guy who did nothing but fix the brand new ones pre-delivery.

Forget the laces, your teeth are spying on you.

I’m on the Wix train myself, with occasional deviations but never Fram or Baldwin. Every blown up heavy diesel I’ve ever seen had a Baldwin on it.