
Please let it be a dark reboot, with Higgins as a serial killer hunting golfers at the Kamehameha and Magnum as the guy hunting him.

These issues are friction facing and lubricant compatibility related. I haven’t personally opened one of these trannies but often you’ll find the 1-2 synchro has a different material on the facing to improve low speed transitions.

If I was wakened by this thunder I would absolutely mess the sheets.

If a box of these show up at my house because I drunk/stoned/Ambien ordered them I will be obligated to punch myself in the dick.

That seems like a fairly broad and ambiguous reason, I believe the main issue is “you piss us off so go away.”

Hey, gorgeous car, tearjerker of a story, take it to Gold and Silver Pawn. I guarantee Rick has $25k cash for it.

400 and a four-speed........ Wouldn’t have had to advertise.

Rubber? I bet this puppy has some CORK.

Cars of this vintage looked just like that off the showroom floor. If it isn’t side to side scale rust it’s impressive.

This family watched Days of Thunder a few too many times. The first half hour, anyway.

I couldn’t even give this POS to my daughter, she’s 22 and this is older. It’s worth maybe $1500.

What’s wrong with you? The Jalop day begins with NPOCP.

If I had a guess I’d say a yardstick.


The stuff in FL works, too, it just usually kills someone in the process.

If this doesn’t end up in FK’s garage......

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo and a Lambo..... Dude.

Several years ago I was leaving Boston on a busy four lane with many stoplights. As I hate waiting, I would get into whichever westbound lane had the fewest cars waiting for the green. Coming up to a red by the Chestnut Hill Mall, I cut into the left lane which was one car shorter of a line.

No shit, same thing happened to me. Mom caught me by my belt.

I must say, six hours in with a 60% NP makes me queasy. Apparently Bowtie freaks are more prevalent than Trumpsters. I’d honestly question my friendship with someone who owned this.