Actress is a sexist term. Please use ‘actor’ for all genders.
Actress is a sexist term. Please use ‘actor’ for all genders.
Probably not.
Yeah sure. Of all the guys out there, Trump, Cosby, Weinstein et al, Seinfeld is truly the worst, right?
That would be pretty cool. All men across the world decide to take a vow of silence.
Is Smithers a gay stereotype though?
Why not
The Simpsons creators aren’t (thankfully) responsible for the ‘unbelievable awfulness of human fucking nature’, but they are, in large part, responsible for any racist bully who uses Apu, whether it be his voice or his characterisation, to facilitate their racist bullying.
Sure, but I think it was the crude and reductive reference to ‘Bollywood Fan Fiction Simpsons’ that recognitions was specifically, and IMHO rightly, objecting to.
Sounds like the type of lame defence a sex offender might use.
I’m not sure why it should suddenly become easier to appreciate an artist’s work the moment they’re six foot under.
Someone gets it.
I’m sorry to read this.
I hope the upcoming Fox News sex scandal film doesn’t ignore what an utterly shitty human-being Megyn Kelly is, sex harassment victim or not.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, sums up why The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi are not good Star Wars films.
Stunted man-children make for crappy villains.
If Disney didn’t want Stars Wars’ current Big Bad mocked as a ‘spoiled child’, they shouldn’t have made Star Wars’ current Big Bad a spoiled child.
Thank you sincerely for the absence of snark in this article. :)
What exactly is my ‘narcissistic agenda'?
I’ve read the article. I’m not sure how it counters anything I’ve said.
I think my messages to you keep getting deleted.