They don’t hate me at The Root. They hate me at the AV Club.
They don’t hate me at The Root. They hate me at the AV Club.
How are you? I tried contacting you here but my messages keep disappearing.
Yet, as far as we know.
How are Native Americans who take umbrage at Elizabeth Warren using her DNA test to demonstrate some sort of affinity to their people, ‘liars’?
I said six to ten generations.
Then you’re a bigot who hasn’t got the decency to listen to the Native American community.
Everything I’ve said about Warren has already been said more forcibly, and more eloquently, by most Native American commentators. So, if you’re calling me a liar, you’re also calling them liars.
The geneticist specifically said, her Native American bloodline goes back six to ten generations.
Thanks for conceding you’ve lost the argument. If you actually had an argument you wouldn’t feel the need to swear and insult people.
I don’t want another man.
A large number of white Americans have at least 5% non-European DNA.
I am listening to Native Americans.
Or, how about nominating a candidate progressive liberals like me actually want to support?
I don’t know if you’ve seen my last reply to you, but if you see this, when is the best time to reply to you (and what time zone are you in), so that you are likely to see my posts before they disappear?
Wasn’t this a tournament for the relatives of service-people who have died in the line of duty?
Why are ‘progressives’ speaking in favour of Nike? If you’re for Nike, you’re for a company that exploits its lowest-paid workers:
Here are two brilliant articles from Rebecca Nagle, an actual Cherokee woman:
If race is such a bullshit concept (and I’m not arguing otherwise), why are you and Elizabeth Warren clinging on so tightly to it as if your lives depended upon it?
If Elizabeth Warren did the right thing and admitted she was wrong to reduce Native American identity to DNA tests, she’d be doing an immense favour for both herself and the party, in view of the upcoming midterms:
I don’t give a fuck what one privileged white person calls another privileged white person.