Prince Ruprecht the Monkey Boy

Then the rest of us won’t vote.

Thanks for continuing to ignore my arguments.

Are you comparing a man who is one half black, with an identifiable Kenyan father, to a woman who may have an ancestor of Native American, and not necessarily Cherokee, heritage, six to ten generations ago?

I’m a white man bashing a white woman for cultural appropriation.

Yes, only liberals have gay children and grandchildren...

Then you’re blatantly missing my point.

It’s clear why she did it: she took Trump’s bait instead of doing the dignified thing and ignoring his BS.

I’m not sure what Warren thought she achieved with publicly broadcasting her DNA test.

Agreed. Dolezal is not kind of black. And neither is Warren kind of Native American.

How does using a DNA test to prove she has <5% Native American blood help deflect the Republican smear job that she tried to falsely benefit from affirmative action?

It wasn’t on anyone ’s radar until now.

Weinstein tried to take on Trump. Kevin Spacey tried to take on Trump. Bill ‘intern exploiter/alleged rapistClinton tried to take on Trump.

She should also recognise that she can be an ally and a strong advocate for Native American rights, albeit one who doesn’t hijack the attention from tribal representatives and spokespeople, as a liberal white woman. She doesn’t need to have a six to ten times great grandparent or whatever to be that ally.

That’s very xenophobic of you.

I don’t agree with Trump’s most recent statements on Khashoggi’s killers. I supported his earlier statements that appeared to initially condemn Saudi Arabia. Sadly it appears he’s since backtracked.

He won two terms by significant margins. He can’t be that bad.

When we allow white people to claim victimhood and oppression on account of very distant and minute DNA/minority ancestry, we make a mockery of identity politics.

I don’t think there’s anything to forgive Warren for.

What lies?