
Happy Friday.

I’d have thought that also-not-gay JPM would be the go-to example here. Kimi showed up briefly between gigs. JPM made a real go of it!

Cool opinion. Thanks for sharing. I see that you’ve got those cool out-of-the-norm viewpoints. Let me know what you think is funny, so that I can go shit all over it too.

If I were he, my entire family would disown me for telling this story every 45 minutes.

The Iliad don’t got shit on this post holy fuck

Beat you by a full minute :) Though it makes for an interesting looking comment section.

“Joey Votto metaphorically hit a home run straight into my dick and my dick exploded.”

Do you mean to say that Joey Votto donged a dong, a dong that’s now gone?

Just wish Michael had turned on his brother mid-interview, made mention of his conspicuous lack of rings, and say that’s why Mom named you Martellus and not Marshowus

idk it looks a lot like the autobahn to me.

When I ask the brothers what they would collect if they were as wealthy as the Cowboys’ owner, they respond at the same time and without skipping a beat: “People.”

Disappointed? Because they didn’t ruin his life over a victimless crime. Reminds me of every time I’m disappointed over the slap on the wrist almost every Police Officer gets when he commits a crime that otherwise would result in you or I spending serious time in a cage.

A Tiburon? Where are you? I see them all the time.

oh my god fucking enough. Take it to Gawker, or reddit, or anywhere that gives a fuck about politics. This is Jalopnik.

You’re not clever, you’re not cute, you’re not poignant, you’re just another annoying mouthbreather who doesn’t actually have anything to contribute to the discussion. Nobody here gives a fuck who

And after a year, you’re the guy who fought an ostrich for a year.
A horrific, terrifying year.

At the Copa...Copacabana.