
Oh grandpa!

Eh, I quite frankly just don’t see the need for fully enclosed cockpits when the aeroscreen would do just fine. Properly set up it will make functionally zero difference between that and a fully closed cockpit anyway. A closed cockpit will still have to have a roof with pylons or a rigid hoop to maintain structure

FINALLY, the RamCat logo has a place

Here lies Jalopnik

a compact white dwarf the size of the Earth but 200,000 times more massive,

That would allow for some sweet Jumbo-tron intros.

Who cares? We’ll have the alltrack in a few months.

The only correct answer here is “corn dogs”

I wonder if something let go on the RX-7, maybe even left something on the track. Hard to tell if that’s understeer from the second car or if he just flat out didn’t try to turn.

Fiddy’s requirements in a car are, and I quote:

Sounds like you scared, Farah.


People online are all “think of the children” but I can guarantee you that this was the greatest thing 99 percent of the kids in attendance have ever seen. They’ll be talking about this for years. As a kid I used to say “maybe there will be a fight” before every game I went to, then finally saw the Reds and Expos

Thank god your friend created more work for the person making minimum wage to keep the store organized. Doin’ god’s work! Note that this is heavy sarcasm. I get your friend’s point, but write a letter to Target, don’t create more work for people doing menial labor and think you’re a saint.

*pours water in front of his living room fan*

too soon?

This definitely the song of the summer, or the song for when your stressed, or the song for any other occasion. Basically, this song is awesome.

I get it, they don’t want controversy to distract viewers from compelling WNBA storylines like “Which two teams are these again?” and “Is that point guard the one I heard about in college in 2009? No? Ok nevermind.”

I guess you wouldn’t know this because you were home schooled but school involves actual time outside the classroom.And they didn’t say best times, they said memorable. But keep trying to twist their words. You’re proving how weird & entitled homeschooled kids are to the rest of us.

Counterpoint: I have never met a homeschooled kid that wasn’t weird or socially awkward. Taking them out for play encounters and day trip excursions isn’t the same as learning how to interact with their peers on a daily basis. Learning how to be functional in society is almost more valuable than the actual knowledge

Thank goodness the Goldust misunderstanding was sorted out. I can't even imagine what it would be like for him to know that he was the one responsible for his son's shattered dreams on Christmas morning.