
I hope to high fuckery that isn’t a euphemism.

I actually liked Orphan. The acting skills on that child were creepy and terrifying, and I actually did not see that one coming - something I can’t say for Life.

My guess is that its a cargo container. Three of those arranged in a triangle would almost mirror the heavier transport vessels´ profiles we have seen in video games in the past.

You missed Caf. A hot cup of Caf... for fucks sake

Anyone who must say “I am your seargant” is no true seargant.

Oh, so it did less than the biggest movie event of maybe the past 40 years? Mokay.

Yeh. In the blocked areas its not as noticeable, but the eyes make it super obvious. They photoshopped due to lack of ability or time pressure. Lazy.

“Yknow what they say about this kid? He’s really going places.”

I’m gonna come out and say it. It’s lazy. References are all well and good but this is just a paintover.

Boo hoo. A twist. It was JJ who created a mound of expectation. This was a perfectly legitimate and interesting answer, showing the Force Truly Awaken in the general Galaxy.

Its kinda great how the mid-litigation phrases coming out would never get past the PR department out of a courtroom. “No your honour, our service is essentially useless, chance, a flip of a coin, when it comes to long lasting relationships”

That list is a list of amazing things that subverted expectations and injected Starwars with what it needed.

Is this the Word of God that denied Khan, or the other guy?

*raises hand sheepishly*

Oooo! Ciclical predation cycle.. Interesting. Tauntauns clearly eat Wampas too.

In Mexico, Cinepolis was kind to us and generously cut the reel down to start at the ending credits of the Frozen horseshit.

Remember: Occam’s Razor is a shaving device, and nothing more.

Unless, the POTUS has ordered them to do it. Then we are on shakey ground.

Aw bless.

And “one of” but well done for playing The Selective Hearing game.