
Uhuh - and in TOS did it ever say “That Philippa Georgiou... she wasn’t ever decorated” ?

As opposed to transporters being invented to get out of a budgetary constraint

I am okay with this

Could you give an example of where it has affected canon?

Well, if the theology is Thomas Aquinas, which I believe is or at least was until very recently the standard - it is absolutely why not. It was the whole basis for not using contraception in the Catholic Church.

Switzerland as a country is basically various mercenary dukedoms. They carry on to this day as the Swiss Guard.

Number of loose dogs as I go for a country walk: 3 / time.

And had the requisite cholera, lack of access to information and clean running water to go along with it.

My hope? People give it a fucking chance? Like this site didn’t do for The Orville.

You’re scoring exactly in the middle on my “hot / disturbing” scale.

I mean, women do though. Straightners, hairbrushes, shampoo bottles... Huh, it’s mostly hair related. I wonder if theres something in this.

To be fair though, you haven’t seen the show yet - and when you watched the show that did follow what Star Trek is “supposed to be” you shat all over it.

And everyone was certain that Cersei would miscarry, but it was just a rehash of Lyanna’s birthing bed.

I think thats a fair assessment. Its why their misplaced marketing spiel, mixed with inane names for standard features is so annoying.


There is just an extra layer of vomit inducingness that comes out of Apple keynotes though.

Me too, but selling “a smartphone that redefines the next 10 years of smartphones...”... channelling Steve’s ghost and saying that “we are the first, if not the only phone to...” for something that is done in the market already. People don’t like bullshit.

But but... 2015 face technology.

The issue is, it’s a great phone. But... None of it is as new or as exciting or innovative as this presentation makes it out to be. That gets a lot of peoples hackles up.

They’re really going for that nostalgia quoting Jobs. It’s a little bit of a cockslap though, saying its such a leap forward when you can get all of this already with Samsung. I get it, its a great phone, but you have to gag when they throw all of those fasecious adjectives in there. World changing would be more