
It’s better than what they do in Mexico.

Its out of favour in the UK too. East Asian is more accepted

It’s because in policing operations, a Terrorist Incident implies much more powers available to the police. It is in quotations because it is quoted from a Metropolitian Police Source calling it such.

A cursory search.

He also, on the way, designed a proprietary animation software to make this all possible. 

I can see I have touched a nerve. The issue is that in Ireland, women will be euthanised by their doctors in favour of saving only potentially viable foetuses. This is because of their view of abortion.

Because they *dont* live and let live

I think you are objectively correct.

In all fairness, when she said those things - she was hopeful. Not a prisoner of the Empire.

Yeh.... the only sensible solution is a UK style NHS. But that will never happen, because America, so this is what you got.

Yep. That’s how you contribute to society. Grow up and get used to it, or go off the grid and never interact with us again.

You can say the same of busses


I get he is Australian, but how did he just make Thor so Australian? I love it.

But the Clone series is still canon right? What came along to change it and take precidence?

“Least accurate”

The world cannot be held responsible for your lack of attention.

Because there is a minimum age for ascending to the Papacy

Because there is a minimum age for ascending to the Papacy

Because there is a minimum age for ascending to the Papacy