
Exactly... the Midis provide a metric to measure the otherwise ineffable Force. There is no other explanation 

My only is that he is one of those actors who never is taken by the role. I always think “oh, thats Woody fighting Zombies...” or “oh, thats Woody teaching kids to murder other kids” or “oh, thats Woody in space” ...

Ahh. That is ‘sapient’

I agree - it’s a very strange system.

But why the everloving shit would you ever discount voters because of where they live? That is hillariously undemocratic.

It seems strange to me that this is a thing. You incurred a penalty for breaching the terms of your contract with the Bank........ the government will then pick up that cost for you?!

Just trying to help mate

Yeh, as an impartial observer... You’re coming across as a bit of a cunt. Step back a bit and gather your thoughts.

There was a Y Wing pilot for what its worth... And thats not much

Please. Delight in your progeny. They will be needed in the wars to come.

If recent news is anything to go by, he’s far more likely to be leading the dead than fighting them.

Maybe half an hour high speed like a clothes loom shuttle. The idea for flipping half way is to impact the far wall with your feet so that there is always a downwards force. I think astronauts stop themselves head first with their hands, if anything creating a negative force. I do think that more work is done, but

Sure, if you’re going to record and transcribe it. If Josh *still* doesn’t send what he is supposed to, you got nothing and you’re going to hang.

Either that or daily exercises pushing off from one wall, flipping and stopping against another wall. It might be all they need.

And they are all either before or after.

Completely agree, but thats paid HBO, so not a huge threat to TWD numbers, unfortunately.

Exactly. None exists right now.

What else is there to watch on a Sunday night?

I didn’t watch Breaking Bad at the time because I was watching the Wire or early Game of Thrones etc. At the moment there is only Walking Dead
