
Relativley speaking, its a really fucking cheap rocket.

Gloves, belt and button box have all changed over time, the eye lenses colour has changed and his helmet was made more symmetrical between movies.

Time travel? With really out-of-character consequences?

So yeh, great performance and everything. But the story is just, plainly horriffic right?

People are fucking idiots. This is a surprise to you ?

How are you going to listen to podcasts with low battery?

Good to know you’ll be stopping everything for the next Samsung launch... I shall not hold my breath.

Aha, but then you can add all these extra charges. Fleeing the scene of a crime, endangerment, speeding, refusing to comply. That justifies you shooting someone in the face yousee.

And most famously, Mr. President.

This is how companies die.

He’s refusing to stand, not for himself, but for other people. The fact that he has 20 million dollars and others are shot for being black, isn’t that the point?

An activist you say? You know, nothing you said corroborates that.

Shes *not* standing for the people who are dying and continue to die right now.

Good point. Then hey, I guess he just went on vacation

Good point. Think he had the promotion by the time of Rogue?

Tarkin is a Moff, a sector specific controller near Alderaan. I dont think the Death Star superlaser assembly happened in his jurisdiction.

True, but casting hasnt always been book faithful, even if it is ultimatley whats best for the show. Broadbent could act like a gregarious dick. See him after the reveal in Hot Fuzz

Please be Marwyn... Please be Marwyn... Please be Marwyn...

Meh, many of the Boyars had high positions in the military post-revolution

They do also use maces and hammers