
Or.. Wednesday into Thursday?

Stay off the internet on the 17th then - it seems the rest of the world is getting it a day earlier.

Stay off the internet on the 17th then - it seems the rest of the world is getting it a day earlier.

Thats what we have in Mexico. I was worried for a moment

Does it open the night of the 16-17 in the US or is the midnight screening the 17-18?

Okay. I’m out.

But what will the crop top of 2080 be?

Was this grant funded or undergrad?

Star Wars Pizza Shop; look which furry First Mate has dropped in for a hawaiiana!

So if you spend a bazillion dollars and aren't happy with the quality of your sculpture, you can always put her head in a bag.

You gotta admit. Cork would be even more impressive if it were 300 miles up, not south-west

Really nice job - my only criticism would be that there really is no substitution for masking your paint areas correctly.

I guess the Nevada border post will stop them getting others in then...

Just out of curiousity - in what way did Space X fall behind, or skip baby steps?

All true, but he completely missed the point. It was generally stupid and unnecessary. Also, why not take the franchise somewhere new?

It seems precient, but he said the same thing about Mighty Ducks.

Turkish Heavy: No winner

Batshit (no pun intended) antics do not get in the way of plot.

Your premise is confused and this might be why you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself each week. The show is about Jim. It always has been. Mini Batman is a B story.

It’s okay Jamie, space can be complicated. But it’s good form to ask for help if you don’t know what you are talking about.