
I'll go with: they took out everyone's teeth. Now - to read the article!

Her mum done got boned friend.

I... This is always a very difficult thing to talk about... I mean, great? I'm really happy for you. But, it means nothing. Literally, objectively nothing. Reality is not reality if it is present for you and a select group of friends but not the entire workings of the rest of the universe.

Not to be picky, but is that based on a timeline dependent on people living for hundreds of years, or from artefact evidence?

Any idea if this was the *secret* stealth helicopter used against Osama bin Laden, seeing as there's been no official statement on the hardware?

But the government hates Japan. There needs to be some major diplomatic thawing before Nintendo are big in China.

Part of me was thinking "What did they do to piss off Sailor Moon?"

It would be great if he had some kind of system, maybe indicated by a star.

#nostalgia #hashtagsdontworkanymore

Up your game. The angels would have had a few centuries to help them build this after the fall of eden... Jeesh, honestly.

Reading this, my only reaction these figures is, "What? Grow the fuck up."

Like... sickle-cell disease?

It will depend on if people go to see the dubbed or subbed versions, which are usually available in international markets. Some countries, one format is more popular than the other.

Which, coincidentally uses much less fat than US cuisine. More butter with that?

You're very much a "Draw a circle, now draw the rest of the fucking owl" kinda guy right?

Thats really interesting and I have no reason to doubt you, so I withdraw my complaint... and I wonder what the Romans would have felt if they'd ever seen a Quetzal.

The problem is that in this case it's not Latin, it's Nauatl, a very living Mexican language.

In Mexico and Guatemala, home of the Quetzal, and indeed Queztalcoatl: It's pronounced

You could learn basic comprehension, dickcheese. His logic. Not mine. He doesnt believe in Christianity, yet used the bible to evidence his opinions on aliens.

Well... Quetzalcoatlus was wrong. But nice video =)

You are a God among mortals.