
I think the most optimistic I can be is a "maybe" too. But the biggest reason I'd say no, is that other launch systems will be ready before then.

I'm not saying we're not going to Mars... there are other launch systems in development. The SLS requires the capsule being developed by Boeing, which is so dramatically behind schedule it is embarrasing. Space X will have the Falcon heavy, and its Dragon v2 ready before the SLS, with all of the money thrown at it.

Is there anyone who still thinks that the SLS will be used for anything, at all, ever?

Vagina... Nipple... Stadium... Another Vagina... A necklace of nipples.

Yeh, I'm freaked out.

But X-Box still gets two senators! The injustice!

Yeh, you meant NATO didn't you.

I'd like to see a barista try achieve a similar effect

Is she in a command uniform there? What happened with that?

I think the adopted by humans thing is the clincher. And it's probably like British subjects, you can't renounce that. We do dual citizenship when other states don't

That's... that's Odo right?

Her problem is that while she has a great point to make, her arguments are indefensible due to errors and strawman arguments.

Im with you probably in the direction you're taking in this discussion, but gameplay mechanic =/= gameworld

Thats the Brisith sense of self-depreciation, and possibly little-Englanderism, without the knowledge of other systems. If they are unhappy it is because they might have to wait up to 2 days for a GP appointment, or pay £7 for prescription medicines (in any quantity).

Yup, and even at a callous level it makes sense. Your sister was more likely to spend her foreign income in the UK if she was alive, than if she had died in an accident and needed to be re-patriated postmortem mid-way into her journey. In terms of infectious diseases - it is even more vital for UK health security that

Phew, it's a good job GlaxoSmithKline and Bayer don't exist. 'Murica.

It's okay, we have a points based system now. That was a 2/12 infraction.

Ah - that makes sense - thanks a lot =)

I'm using Google in Mexico - seriously, it gives me nothing

A question on markings I can't seem to google myself into an answer about - the RAF Eurofighter has XXX Roundel XXX, what do the Xs signify?

Well, let's use them too.