
Still, you just had to say it, and I saw it.

And that would be great if I was talking about that, but both positions provide a marker either side of the average. The median measures extremity of dataset, the range measures difference in position of datapoints from that median.

Im sure some passive aggressive idiots can argue very loudly indeed - it doesnt make them right. If I was working with someone who came around and randomly binned my shit... I don't even know I would respond.

Hyperbole to make a point. And range is applicable as it is the distance between two points on a linear scale.

Isn't it an issue though if one viewpoint is measurably correct (could be either). In which case moving to a more conciliatory position is bad for the country?

Because it has a broader range of politics? I mean its fine if you want to limit your understanding of it to fascist or slightly less than fascist.

Thanks for doing the maths, but not everyone is you.

So apricot or lilac don't exist? Except for all of those brands that sell apricot and/or lilac?

That speaks more of you than anything. But hurrah for anecdote.

To be fair though, Godsgift is EXACTLY what the name Matthew means.

Oddly enough, a Goodluck did become a president in Africa, Goodluck Jonathan.

Maybe for a production model, and maybe for the individual components, but the bringing together of everything for the first mechanical television was mostly the work of John Logie Baird.

I'd like to think that too, but then to me temperature seems too connected to intensity, like if you were to describe brightness. Perhaps taste is better for colour?

As the nun said to the bishop.

It's cool =3

The thing that I don't think I could do, would be to explain colour to a blind person.

Hell - animal? Try thinking that we are just a collection of co-operative cells, and that anything at the self-awareness level is just the phantom whisper of a process designed to keep them acting towards motivated goals.

Anatomy, not psychology, but yuh whatever.

And my cat went to live on a farm ¬¬

But, theoretically possible?

Could we add extra shielding to earth to reduce the amount of solar radiation and hold back climate change?