

Power is the energy it took to read a loquacious explanation, over time.

Just bring back Concorde. With today’s technology and safety measures, I’m sure Concorde can be made safer and cheaper to maintain. And Air France’s crash and Concorde’s ultimate demise wasn’t even the aircraft’s fault.

Yeah, it’s cool, but he still shouldn’t have put $4000 down on it.

D.B. Pooper


Here’s my 76 Celica coupe! It’s a super fun little car. I swear every time I take it out people stop to talk to me. Definitely a car you don’t see everyday.

It’s a big 707 horsepower pressboard pallet

M badges on non-M BMWs.

Better headline:

That’s great. +46 and 2

“... hit a set of spike strips going 115 MPH, subsequently barreled off of the road and into a drainage ditch, launched the truck into the air and landed on a car parked at a restaurant” 

“Nanigans of the She- variety.” I have nothing to add; that phrase was just worth repeating.

Finland has had a lot of time on their hands since they wiped out all of the trolls...

Well, damn, I missed another one.

Locked ourselves out of the car doing a Chinese fire drill. We were 16 and a special kind of stupid. I know this because the cop that had to protect our running car that was in the middle lane of a 3 lane road until the locksmith got there told us so.

You win that is awesome.

Canadians are indeed “lowkey” racist (as opposed to outright, hostile racist), but it’s more of an acknowledgement that in cities where over 50% of the population are visible minorities, there’s going to be some differences between the cultures.

Because Canadians are lowkey racist.