
This decision should probably be made between the product planners at Porsche, and the paying customers for the RS cars.  Your article does a nice job of clarifying why you are not part of either group.

Oh, I bet you do.  Gotta hit those numbers!  Link to a YouTube video, google image search for “Porsche engine”...Next Article!

The “alliance” was a bailout. Nissan was $20B in debt. I guess it was a long time ago, but it’s not that hard to figure out.

On the upside, her driving career was longer and more successful than most of these “women in racing” BS articles!

I’ve also heard that some of the drivers are alphas!

They stopped releasing honest data years ago.  I direct anyone interested to the deplorables climate blog.  The bulk of the temperature increase has come from depressing the historical record.  They have some justification for it of course, but few people know that the currently reported temperature record for say

None. Shut up and steer.

I get it, you work really hard in between Uber fares.

Exactly. All successful race drivers would seem like aggressive brutes to the Lady’s Home Racing Journal staff.

I’ve concluded that the writing staff of this website is blissfully ignorant of what it takes to rise to the top of formula 3 or similar feeder series. You guys just don’t have the constitution for it.  That’s fine, but why continue trying to cover a topic you simply don’t or can’t understand?  Yes, all racers seem

As usual, jalopnik on the side of the backmarker who can’t stay out of the fucking way.  Why don’t you woke crybabies get back to your Mediocre Women in Racing History series?   Oh right, Ocon IS in that series.

Very nice work, David. Kids, there are some gems of information here. Every 10yr old with a car mag knows that weight transfer is “bad”. Few understand why. Take some time and soak up that tire data. Think about the way it does NOT obey the simple newtonian friction model you learned at school. Maybe David can even

Plan to import Chinese junk cars to go with Chinese junk everything else gets cancelled by god-emperor. Good.

Why do I want to read about a battle between privileged white men?!

I assumed Gizmodo would applaud more fags in racing?!? (Err, I meant Canadians)

I’m just glad you can’t whine your way into an F1 ride...otherwise we would have a full grid of jalopnik “journalists”...and I think we have all seen how they drive.

Article quotes WSJ that millennial workers don’t want to WORK at dealerships.

Can we get an article detailing where they DO want to work? Other than pulling cash out of daddy’s wallet, every just seems too damn difficult.

To all defenders of automatics, if you can’t drive one (properly), you opinion is invalid.

Great analogy...and just to keep it going: Automatics are the Hillary Clinton of the automotive industry