
Iron Giant tho.

W/R/T Kylo Ren: It read to me like he was just toying with her. The whole time he's shouting things like, "I CAN TEACH YOU" and stuff, and he's pretty much on the defensive. Trying to lure her into the Dark Side?

I feel that way about Zimmer altogether.

It continues to irritate me to no end that HBO still refuses to put the movies in their correct aspect ratio.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jorge Borges, Octavia Butler, Karen Lord, Kai Ashante Wilson.

I disagree with you on the Guided View thing. To me, it's akin to pan-and-scanning movies. Part of comics' narrative flow is how it's presented on the page, and getting it cut up and only focused on a simple image kills any of the momentum or effectiveness the cartoonist or artist or whoever was trying to achieve.



That first part is probably because the publisher incorrectly labels The Hobbit a prequel on the cover.

I've been saving a small stack of gift cards from like Christmas for this. SO YUSSSS.

I think the worst reason for this is that whenever there is an article or something about comics, even if it has nothing to do with superheroes, people immediately start redirecting the conversation to deal with superheroes.

It looks like a montage, like, as they head to PE or whatever.

Agreed. Honestly, the Archie series might be my favorite thing I've read from Mark Waid.

Because they work fast and cheap and are more about getting coverage and making decisions based on what producers/executives want rather than having any actual artistry in the process? See: almost the entire Marvel filmography.

Man, I hadn't stumbled on "Alone" yet, but it looks intriguing. Apart from that first book, these are some interesting recommendations.

The Name of the Wind. It came highly recommended and I recommend it, you know?

That's fair.

Six issues and all the stories he's contributed for Dark Horse Presents, io9, etc.

The hardcovers are $20. That's cheaper than Marvel paperbacks. And they're gorgeous.

You should go find BATTLING BOY then, because it's great and Paul Pope is legendary.