
Great AV Club. Thanks for bringing back autoplay ads. That’s swell.

This reminds me of a scene in Tampopop where the characters are treated to turtle. And their faces when the turtle is gutted matches my reaction to this whole thought (um, no thanks).

Or Sony as the ones bankrolling it.

Didn't you guys give that book like an A- or something?

"Sgt. Pepper." The buildup and The Chord alone are more exciting and innovative.

Perlmutter's apparently one of his "outside the White House" consultants; but to be fair, I don't know if the comics and movie divisions of Marvel are handled the same.

Isn't a Marvel executive part of Trump's cabinet?

I loved it.

I went in for The Dark Tower. I've read the first three and am like 200 pages into Wizard and Glass, where they go from fairly hefty to literal doorstops. But they're so compelling and engrossing and ridiculous and fascinating. I'm sort of loving them.

I literally yell, HAIL-LAI THE MATE!, every time I make myself a cup.

I think more of one really good movie beating out the one great movie. And maybe last year's SPOTLIGHT winning over MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is an example.

I'm trying to think of other years where there were a couple Best Picture contenders like this and so far I've gotten… The English Patient and Fargo.

I'm really just checking to see if it's that crummy HD version or the original standard.

I mean, there are libraries.

I feel that same way about Rick Remender.

My favorite game of 2016 was the Harry Potter Battle for Hogwarts Deckbuilding game. BUT ALAS IT WASN'T THERE. :(

It makes a great thing! I'm thinking of the Totally Tintin podcast as a point of reference, which did the same concept.

I disagree to an extent, because I think the one-on-one ending of the movie benefits what the films were trying to do.

I'm sorry, but I don't see any of the interesting visuals in Goblet of Fire. It's very serviceable filmmaking, but it's completely unmemorable.

I don't think they're covering it anymore anyway.