
Try "The Invisibles" from Morrison, maybe?

I disagree about Simone: with this I thought she's…too stuck in her past characterization of Wonder Woman. And van Sciver's pencils were…not great. I liked the second story a bit more.

I think it was when the Monitor guy is going through that desolate city. He's one of the dead bodies in the background. Or knocked out. Or whatever they are.

YES! And the first half of the series is so much stronger than the second half.

A Hellboy analogue was in there, too!

What else did everyone read this week?

Are we talking about the last issue or like the final act? Because the adventuresome aspect was great, and the escape from the armada was a lot of fun. It was just the human/mer revelation thing that was like, "Hmm."

Dude, that's just being a mainstream montly comics fan! (I actually hate crossover events and those stupid Villain's Month things, too. Let the one story be the story.)

I agree with you re: ZY's end. I like that Snyder goes for big stories, and I get that it's super frustrating to read on a montly basis. But it works so much better as a whole, and it's very satisfying and thrilling. ZY started rough but it ended on a high note.

I had:

Ohh, yeah. HowToons might be one to keep on your radar, though. Especially if he wants to start making things.

I'm giving it one more issue to see if they get their act together (and because the synopsis sounds intriguing at least) but I agree with you. Incoherent. And ugly. That was the worst part. Because Steven Universe itself is such a pretty show.

Small week for me:

That was a bizarre way to wrap up the series. I don't know if I liked it, or if it makes better sense going back and reading the book in one fell swoop, but it just seemed so…What?

I agree with this. I did Seasons 4 and 5 of Buffy with 1 and 2 of Angel, jumping back and forth between the two shows. And it kills the momentum of both of them. They each develop differently and have separate goals, so it's not really one big story, and taken together makes it…off.

Agreed with your points on MOON KNIGHT.

A lot of my students are super into "Attack on Titan." The manga never struck me as being as visceral or kinetic as the anime, but I see them carry it around a lot.


Had a pretty good haul this week: