
I think @avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus sums it up pretty well. I tend to read comics slower than my boyfriend, so I think knowing that other person is there speeds me up a bit and slows him down a bit, which, yeah, makes that fun and frustrating thing.

I think the same thing about SOLO. The Paul Pope, Tim Sale, Mike Allred, and Darwyn Cooke ones stood out the most for me. I wish Marvel and DC would allow stuff like this to happen more often — not just on the digital side, because these, Strange Tales, Bizarro World, have always been a lot of fun for me.

Saga 19 — my boyfriend and I did that super sappy thing where we read it together/simultaneously, and so that last page we were both like, "WHAT?! NO!" The emotion, the empathy, the visuals, the conversations, everything is going perfectly for this title.


I liked Bee and Puppycat more than you, but your description of it is fantastic!

You're right. I think I'm conflating the times I went to the theaters with the times I watched either at home.

I think he had a lot of fun writing Thor, and that definitely came through in the final book. And I liked FF a lot, too.

I had:

I did. I really enjoyed Waid's Daredevil run when he was doing swashbuckling adventure-esque stories. The first volume in particular. Waid's writing wasn't too exciting for me, but that's kind of my relationship with Waid's writing anyway.

Waid's Daredevil stuff lost me when Spidey and Punisher came in, honestly.

Yeah, the story for volume 1 is strong while the art's sketchy. By the third or fourth volume, it really settles in. Especially for the first short story collection. And when Jill Thompson and Marc Hempel step in…whew.

Yeah, it's like X-Files, where all the stories and miniseries can exist on their own but there's still this overarching story that carries through. Like people've been saying, it's best to start at the beginning.

I agree re: the fight scenes in Batgirl, but only recently, when Fernando Pesarin took over the art duties.

Simone, I think, is far stronger when she's doing slice-of-life stuff. The best moments in "Batgirl" are usually when she's talking to her roommate or that Ricky boy or arguing with her dad. I think her dialogue is snappier and wittier and she's great at finding these character moments.. And this series, too, showed

The Wake 8 — this series went from slow burn to break-neck adventure and it's fantastic for it.

I think this is the perfect summation of this series.

Gillen/McKelvie's YA was pretty great — and the ending it on their terms was great too.

All right. Next time you go to your comic book store, pick up a Marvel magazine or DC magazine priced at $3.99. Then go pick up one from like IDW or something, also at $3.99.

I love a lot of Image books! Saga, Velvet, Pretty Deadly, Rat Queens, East of West, Manhattan Projects, Sex Criminals, Five Ghosts…all at the top of my reading stack.

Brubaker/Epting's Captain America jazz.