
Sandman: Overture 2 — some gorgeous art and spreads going on here, and Gaiman is definitely settling back into the groove of the Endless. This is one that's fun to follow and just be in total ignorance of, but I think it'll be pretty great when it's all finished.

The Wake: three creators at the top of their games trying to challenge themselves even further. This is a great miniseries and one of the books I always look forward to most each week it comes out.

I don't agree with that. At all. I think Snyder's book is fantastic. It's smart, stands on its own wave length (really, the crossovers seems editorially mandated than anything, because Batman himself never references them)

He told mine, "You probably think you're a great artist because your mommy told you you were a great artist" and then told him the only way to draw a tree was to lightbox a photograph of a tree.

Same thing happened to a friend of mine.

Isn't it on indefinite hiatus?

Wonder Woman 29 — best Wonder Woman run ever? If they stick the landing, then I don't think any other Wonder Woman story could compete.

My guess will be that it'll end in August, with September being the next lame EVERYTHING STOPS FOR THIS FLASH FORWARD THING event. That'd hit the 3-year mark they had planned.

I saw it the same way — the idea that objectivism and libertarianism might seem appealing…to a child.

There's been an Absolute though, right?

Where do you get these add-ons?

I agree with you. It was a book I really wanted to like. And it was pretty diverse, which was great too. But the art wasn't appropriate for the story (and not really something I liked either) and it kind of went for the big superhero spectacles rather than the more intimate moments.

Small week for me — both magazines were Jeff Lemire penned. Heh.

Not for long! It's cancelled at 12.

I had:

I thought Vertigo was founded years and years after Moore left Swamp Thing? And has more to do with Karen Berger and Neil Gaiman.

Just gotta put out there — I really enjoyed WHITE SUITS. I wonder if it's only a miniseries or, like Hellboy, a series of miniseries? What do the creators have planned for it.

I think Soule is a competent enough writer, and She-Hulk 1 was fun and Letter 44 was okay, the issues I read. I just don't feel like he has something that really sets him apart. The reaction I've had to his stuff generally goes from, "Well, that's not as bad as I thought it was going to be," or "That was pretty fun I

I think it was around issue 12 that I remember Azzarello mentioned the three-year story, and this last interview with Newsarama and IGN said it was coming to a close.

Does this mean you'll find have room for Steven Universe coverage? And not just relegate it to a subthread in the Adventure Time thread?