
MIND MGMT — Kindt's not even trying to prove he's writing one of the best books right now. He's just turning in some of the coolest stuff on a month-to-month basis and it's fantastic.


Do The Unwritten. It's so great. Often unsung, but one of the best books Vertigo's put out. Like, for me, in the top 5 books Vertigo has put out, somewhere after Sandman and Enigma.

Thanks for all the recommendations!

I actually sort of dig Promethea. JH Williams helps carry a lot of the more, as Jordo says, self-indulgent moments. Actually, it's worth a read just for JHW alone.

I noticed yesterday that all the comics I have are either the end of the arc or the end of the series for this week. So that was interesting.

I don't like his New 52 origin story much either. My bad if that sarcasm wasn't properly conveyed.

The first four issues are free on Comixology.

Oh man, I forgot about The Unwritten, despite like researching when the next trade of that is coming out when this went up.

MIND MGMT is pretty goddamn fantastic. Secret organizations, spies, conspiracies, tantric psychic battles, and investigative journalism.

Yeah, I agree with that.

From what i can remember…

BUT! it's a testament to Morrison's knowledge of Batman and his skill as a writer to be able to twist the tale into something that works, and make it something about the reboot and the immortality of the characters while still juggling the themes and motifs he set up for the entire…however long it was run.

And even then! His current, New 52 origin is skewered from his original introduction.

I know, I know, it's not a series, but the graphic novel "Pride of Baghdad" is pretty solid.

Nope! Just the cover.

Becky Cloonan!

I was trying to shear down my pull list, and for every title I cut, Image is like, HERE'S TWO MORE TO THROW AT YOU!

For other suggestions: as @avclub-9a395ceaaad37c03a10af45ea1d07abc:disqus said: BATTLING BOY is 100% greatness.

Batman: Li'l Gotham — the first trade is coming out pretty soon. But it's also digital so easy to get to and basically from Damian's point of view.