
Original series. It's just so so so so great, anyway, like @avclub-5040d5b8f384d034307ec998d5706c4a:disqus said.

"Ramadan" was great. And I like the "Worlds' End" story collection and Brief Lives quite a lot. Oh, and Kindly Ones.

It was a pretty strong series, too; though a bit overnarrated But some of the stuff in the "World's Finest" arc was just fantastic.

I didn't either. For as fantastically creepy and engross the first three-fourths of the book were, I was kind of waiting for the last quarter to jump start. I think I felt they just kept hitting all these road guardians they had to fight through and it felt the same.

DC released the director's cut for "Forever Evil 1" and I was flipping through the script.

I was disappointed by it, too. Especially because all over the comics blogosphere were like, "Oh, it's so good," etcetera. And like it tries to balance the Wonder Woman of her title (which is in my top 3 comics being published today) and the ditzy derp of the Justice League titles and it comes off so…bland.

"Watchmen" is a book that I respect more than I actually like, you know? Like, oh cool, it did all these cool things for superhero comics and brought a more adult attitude to the story, but the book is just too much bleakness and vileness and Alan Moore-ness and 80s-ness.

The Millions is a pretty great site.

I read:

I agree that digital comics are still too expensive. I mean, okay, paying full price for the digital file, but not having any ads is okay enough, but, and this is the thing that bugs me about Marvel: they charge you $3.99 for a book because it has the digital copy included with it. But then they charge you $3.99 for

See: I thought Cooke's "Minutemen" was better than anything in the original "Watchmen" series. Is it "Selina's Big Score" or "New Frontier"? Not even close, but of all the BWs I read, he was the only one who really took it seriously and tried to make something cool out of it, I thought.

It's a really cool story. Like Sava said, the trade's coming out really soon, and each issue's been through multiple printings so if you're a magazine collector, it shouldn't be difficult to catch up.

I had:

I've heard of that! (Bakshi's the guy who made the batshit crazy Lord of the Rings, right?) Is it worth checking out?

This might be a slight against geek cred or whatever, but what's "Wizards"? Like, I tried Googling it, thinking it's a comic, but couldn't find anything specific. Um…so, little help? Please?

Why not Battling Boy?

Loved "The One-Trick Rip-Off." And "Super Trouble." Some of the other stuff in the collection felt like experiments with form, color, picture, and words or whatever, and not all of them worked for me. But that's what experiments are for, right?

I read somewhere — Bleeding Cool, maybe? — that once all of Battling Boy is over and done with, First-Second will release THB in two five-volume sets. The first one is like the normal trade, and the other is the artists' edition.

@avclub-e8e576d226e2da4b7a270eaa0c20448a:disqus Also that it was like 60 pages worth of story altogether. 
And you know, since I started doing my comic, the process I've come to respect the most in comics creation is the coloring. And I think FCO P. hits as many of the right notes on the title as the main creative team.

@avclub-97d6c074b974838257db17a02f8784c4:disqus Paperback. It's $15.99 list. 
I think First-Second is offering a hardcover edition too.